Reaction - For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

6.0.0 - Controls & Client Variables

Here are the controls/commands if you wish to directly bind your controls.

6.1.0 - Weapons and Item Names

First is a listing of the weapon and item names as some commands reference these names directly:

names (in aq2) description
Weapon Names (same) MK23 Pistol
M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun
MP5/10 Submachinegun
Sniper Rifle
M4 Assault Rifle
Dual MK23 Pistols (also "akimbo")
Combat Knife
Item Names (same) Kevlar Vest
Stealth Slippers

6.2.0 - RQ3 Commands

These are the commands you will need to manually bind keys for RQ3.

Remember that you can bind all the keys you NEED to play RQ3 through the built-in UI in-game.

command (in aq2) description
+button5 reload Reloads current weapon, if applicable to the weapon you're currently using. Can be repeated quickly for "fast reload" on shotgun and sniper rifle.
/bandage bandage Stops you from bleeding and also heals leg damage. Takes a few seconds of precious time. While bandaging, your weapon is lowered and you cannot fire. You can, however, still kick.
/weapon weapon Toggles the weapon mode of your weapon, if applicable.

MK23: Switch between automatic fire (default) or semi-auto (more accurate but slower rate of fire).

M4, MP5: Switch between automatic fire (default) or three-round bursts (more accurate but slower rate of fire).

SSG3000: Switches between 1x (default), 2x, 4x, and 6x zoom modes. There is no spread factor when zoomed-in, even when moving around.

Knives: Switches between slash (default) and throwing modes. Thrown knives are removed from your inventory but can be picked up again.

Grenades: Switch between short (default), medium, and long range throws.
/opendoor opendoor Lets you open doors that must be activated manually. Some doors allow you to close them with the same command. Can also activate some switches or buttons depending on how the mapper wants them triggered.
/team team Displays the team you're on, or changes teams (if used with the team number to switch to as an argument, or "none" to leave your current team and become a spectator). Valid arguments are "1", "2", "none", and "balance" (to join whichever team is down a player).
/irvision irvision Toggles IR vision if you have the bandolier. Helps in seeing people without proper lighting. IR vision can be disabled by the server so if that is the case, you cannot use IR vision.
/choose choose Chooses a particular item or weapon as your item or weapon, without going through the menus, in teamplay (ie: "/choose mp5/10 submachinegun" or "/choose lasersight").
/drop drop Drop an item or weapon from the inventory. Dropped items only stay on the map for 30-seconds, after that time they just disappear (ie: "/drop weapon" for current special weapon or "/drop item" for item). Also, "/drop case" can be used to drop the briefcase in Capture The Briefcase (CTB) mode.
/use invuse (Q2) Use the currently selected item from the inventory.
/weapnext invnext (Q2) Select the next item in the inventory.
/weapprev invprev (Q2) Select the previous item in the inventory.
/unzoom (none) Returns your SSG zoom immediately to 1x zoom (no zoom). Handy for snipers.
/tkok tkok On servers with friendly fire enabled, it forgives a teammate who accidentially kills you. Your death won't go towards an auto-kick for that player. This allows you to forgive real accidents and still gets real teamkillers kicked for being jerks.
+wstats (none) Displays your stats for the map including accuracy and kills. Bind it to a key and the stats will appear as long as you hold the key down.
(old RQ3 1.x command)
drop item Drops your special item so you can pick another one up. You can do this any time. Now implemented exactly like AQ2 with the generic "/drop" command described previously.
(old RQ3 1.x command)
drop weapon Drops your special weapon so you can pick another one up. You cannot do this while bandaging. If you have more than one special weapon, you will only drop one for each press. Now implemented exactly like AQ2 with the generic "/drop" command described previously.
(old RQ3 1.x command)
use special Shortcut command to select your special weapon. If you have more than one weapon, pressing this will advance through them. Now implemented exactly like AQ2 with the generic "/use" command described previously.

6.3.0 - Useful Q3 Commands

These Q3 commands are also applicable to RQ3 and you may find them useful.

command (in aq2) description
/name name Changes your in-game name (eg: /name "Black Monk").
/kill kill Commit suicide in-game. Your body explodes as you go to [DEAD] mode...
/say say Useful for binds. /bind x "say Hello! I like Reaction Quake 3!"
/say_team say_team Useful for binds. /bind x "say_team Team, what is the command to open doors?"
/messagemode messagemode Useful for binds. To be able to talk when you hit "t", do: /bind t "messagemode"
/messagemode2 messagemode2 Useful for binds. To be able to talk to your teammates ONLY when you hit "r", do: /bind r "messagemode2"
/cg_brasstime (none) Default is 2500 milliseconds, aka 2.5 seconds. Set to 0 for less hit to the FPS, set to 30000 to see where the battles on the maps tend to occur
/callvote (none) Typing this in allows you to start a vote to move to the next map, for example.
/vote (none) Type "/vote yes" to vote for an item or "/vote no" to vote against an item.

6.4.0 - "say" substitutions

The following substitution variables can be used with say or say_team and they will be replaced with the specified text.

These are CASE SENSITIVE so bear in mind that while $W will work, $w will NOT work.

"say" substitutions (in aq2) description
$W %W Your current weapon
$I %I Your current item (a random one, if you have more than one)
$H %H Your current health
$A %A Your current ammo for your current weapon (in-gun and in-inventory)
$T %T Names of teammates that are near you and in your line of sight
$K %K Last enemy you killed
$P %P Last enemy you damaged
(your current location) %L Your location is automatically reported to your teammates every time you use "say_team". If you are familiar with RtCW, this is basically the same system for location reporting. %L is therefore obsoleted in RQ3 and not used.

6.5.0 - Radio Commands

Here are the radio commands!

command (in aq2) description
/radiogender radiogender Used without an argument, displays your current radio gender. If used with "male" or "female", sets your radio gender to that gender. This changes the voice on your radio messages. Default is your current model's gender.
/radio_power radio_power Toggles your radio power on or off (default is on). If your radio power is off, you won't receive any radio messages, but also can't send any.

command (in aq2) description
/radio radio Sends a message on the radio.
/radio 1 radio 1 "one"
/radio 2 radio 2 "two"
/radio 3 radio 3 "three"
/radio 4 radio 4 "four"
/radio 5 radio 5 "five"
/radio 6 radio 6 "six"
/radio 7 radio 7 "seven"
/radio 8 radio 8 "eight"
/radio 9 radio 9 "nine"
/radio 10 radio 10 "ten"
/radio back radio back "back"
/radio cover radio cover "cover"
/radio down radio down "down"
/radio enemyd radio enemyd "enemy down"
/radio enemys radio enemys "enemy spotted"
/radio forward radio forward "forward"
/radio go radio go "go"
/radio im_hit radio im_hit "I'm hit"
/radio left radio left "left"
/radio reportin radio reportin "reporting in"
/radio right radio right "right"
/radio taking_f radio taking_f "taking fire, requesting assistance"
/radio teamdown radio teamdown "teammate down"
/radio treport radio treport "team, report in"
/radio up radio up "up"
The following commands are most useful in Capture The Briefcase (CTB) but can also be used in TeamPlay (TP)
/radio backup1 radio backup1 "I need some backup!"
/radio backup2 radio backup2 "I need some backup!"
/radio backup3 radio backup3 "I need some backup!"
/radio chit1 radio chit1 "Our carrier has been hit!"
/radio chit2 radio chit2 "Our carrier has been hit!"
/radio chit3 radio chit3 "Our carrier has been hit!"
/radio deliv1 radio deliv1 "Package delivered!"
/radio deliv2 radio deliv2 "Package delivered!"
/radio deliv3 radio deliv3 "Package delivered!"
/radio ecdown1 radio ecdown1 "Enemy carrier is down!"
/radio ecdown2 radio ecdown2 "Enemy carrier is down!"
/radio ecdown3 radio ecdown3 "Enemy carrier is down!"
/radio enepak1 radio enepak1 "The enemy has our package!"
/radio enepak2 radio enepak2 "The enemy has our package!"
/radio enepak3 radio enepak3 "The enemy has our package!"
/radio escort1 radio escort1 "I've got your back!/I'm your escort!"
/radio escort2 radio escort2 "I've got your back!/I'm your escort!"
/radio escort3 radio escort3 "I've got your back!/I'm your escort!"
/radio escort4 radio escort4 "We're with you!" (male only)
/radio gotpak1 radio gotpak1 "I got the package!"
/radio gotpak2 radio gotpak2 "I got the package!"
/radio gotpak3 radio gotpak3 "Whoa ho ho, This is a damn fine package!" (male only)
/radio gotpak3a radio gotpak3a "This is a damn fine package!" (male only)
/radio guard1 radio guard1 "I'm guarding the package!"
/radio guard2 radio guard2 "I'm guarding the package!"
/radio guard3 radio guard3 "I'm guarding the package!"
/radio incoming1 radio incoming1 "Enemies incoming!"
/radio incoming2 radio incoming2 "Enemies incoming!" (male only)
/radio incoming3 radio incoming3 "Enemies incoming!" (male only)
/radio plost1 radio plost1 "Our package has been lost!"
/radio plost2 radio plost2 "Our package has been lost!"
/radio plost3 radio plost3 "Our package has been lost!"

6.6.0 - Ignore Commands

These commands are handy for ignoring players who are annoying or who spam messages.

command (in aq2) description
/playerlist skins (Q2) Shows a list of the players on the server along with their client IDs.
/ignorenum ignorenum / ignoreid Ignores text messages and radio spam from the player with the ID you specify.

(ie: /ignorenum 3)
/ignore ignore Ignores text messages and radio spam from the player with the ID you specify.

(ie: /ignore "Black Monk")
/unignore unignore Stops ignoring text messages and radio spam from the player with the ID or name you specify.

(ie: /unignore 3 - /unignore "Black Monk")
/clearignorelist (none) Clears your ignore list--you stop ignoring messages and radio sounds from all players on the server.

6.7.0 - Matchmode Commands

These commands are to be used in matchmode.

command (in aq2) description
/cg_RQ3_autoaction (none) While not technically a command, this cvar is most useful in matchmode.

0 = no demo or screenshot (default)
1 = demo every map
2 = screen shot at the end of the map
3 = demo + screenshot
/captain captain Type this in to become a captain. Type again to resign from being a captain.
/referee referee [name] Type this in to nominate a referee. Only captains can nominate a referee.
/ready ready Captains type this to indicate that their team is ready to start the match. Type it again to become unready and pause the match in-progress.
/sub sub Players and captains type this to become a substitute player or an active player. This allows you to have 5v6 and one team has a sub in case a player disconnects in the middle of a round or match.
/teamname teamname Allows the captain to change the name of their team on the scoreboard.

(ie: /teamname "Clan FFJ")
/teammodel teamskin Allows the captain to change the model and skin for their team to use during the match.

(ie: /teammodel "grunt/resdog")
/referee referee Captains type this in to nominate a player to be the match referee.

(ie: /referee "Black Monk")
/reflogin (none) Allows a referee to log into the server and attain referee status without needing to be voted in. Handy for league/ladder matches. Password is defined in server cvar g_RQ3_RefPass.

/reflogin pa$$w0rd
/ref (none) Referee control command. Available commands are:

/ref kick <player name>
/ref map_restart
/ref locksettings
/ref resetmatch
/ref clearscores
/ref pause
/refresign (none) A referee types in this command to cease being a referee and become a regular player.

6.8.0 - Devmode Commands

These commands are handy in devmode for things like filming machinima or checking a map you're making. You can use these pretty easily via RQ3's in-game DEVMODE menu so these are just listed here for reference.

command (in aq2) description
/cg_thirdPerson (none) Toggle the use of and third person view.

Default: 0
/cg_thirdPersonAngle (none) Change the angle of perspective you view your player (180 changes view to the front of the model)

Default: 0
/cg_thirdPersonRange (none) Change the distance you view your player from when in 3rd person view.

Default: 40
/cg_drawBBox (none) Shows bounding boxes for each player. 0 disables it and 1 enables it.
/give give Gives you all weapons and items or 100% health:

/give all
/give health
/god god Puts you into God mode where you cannot take damage. Type it again to toggle it off.
/noclip noclip Allows you to walk through walls and fly around the map. Type it again to toggle it off.
/notarget notarget Makes you invisible as a target to bots. Type it again to toggle it off.

6.9.0 - Connection/Ping/Latency-related Variables (cvars)

These are clientside cvars that are related to your online connection and how the game "feels" online:

cvar name default value description
cg_RQ3_predictWeapons 1 added for Q2 similar delayed animations
0 - disabled (like Q2)
1 - enabled (default, like Q3 normally is)
cg_delag 1 Allows players to opt-in for lag compensation. In RQ3 this mainly just smooths out player motion. It does not do any lag-compensated hit detection
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
cg_optimizePrediction 1 Storing of additional server snaps to extrapolate from (makes other players move smoother)
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
cl_timeNudge 0 Q3 ping-compensation command, best to leave at 0 for RQ3
0 (default)

6.10.0 - Replacement Variables (cvars)

These are clientside weapon/item/ammo replacement cvars that you can use to set your replacements manually:

cvar name default value description
cg_RQ3_knife knife/default Selects the current knife replacement model/skin, use knife/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_mk23 mk23/default Selects the current mk23 replacement model/skin, use mk23/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_m3 m3/default Selects the current m3 replacement model/skin, use m3/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_handcannon handcannon/default Selects the current handcannon replacement model/skin, use handcannon/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_m4 m4/default Selects the current m4 replacement model/skin, use m4/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_mp5 mp5/default Selects the current mp5 replacement model/skin, use mp5/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_ssg3000 ssg3000/default Selects the current ssg3000 replacement model/skin, use ssg3000/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_akimbo akimbo/default Selects the current akimbo replacement model/skin, use akimbo/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_grenade grenade/default Selects the current grenade replacement model/skin, use grenade/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_kevlar kevlar/default Selects the current kevlar replacement model/skin, use kevlar/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_laser laser/default Selects the current laser replacement model/skin, use laser/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_silencer silencer/default Selects the current silencer replacement model/skin, use silencer/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_slippers slippers/default Selects the current slippers replacement model/skin, use slippers/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_bandolier bandolier/default Selects the current bandolier replacement model/skin, use bandolier/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_helmet helmet/default Selects the current helmet replacement model/skin, use helmet/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_ammo_mk23 mk23/default Selects the current mk23 ammo replacement model/skin, use mk23/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_ammo_m3 shells/default Selects the current shell ammo (M3 and Handcannon) replacement model/skin, use shells/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_ammo_m4 m4/default Selects the current m4 ammo replacement model/skin, use m4/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_ammo_mp5 mp5/default Selects the current mp5 ammo replacement model/skin, use mp5/default for original RQ3 default
cg_RQ3_ammo_ssg3000 ssg3000/default Selects the current ssg3000 ammo replacement model/skin, use ssg3000/default for original RQ3 default

6.11.0 - Client Variables (cvars)

These are clientside cvars that you might be interested in:

cvar name default value description
(In AQ2: nohud)
1 Toggles the drawing of the HUD. Defaults to on (1). Set to 0 to disable.
(In Q2: hand center)
1 Toggles the drawing of the gun. Defaults to on (1). Set to 0 to disable.
(In AQ2: skipmotd server cvar)
1 Toggles display of the server MOTD. Defaults to on (1). Set to 0 to disable.
(In AQ2: motd_time server cvar)
3 Set display time for center screen messages (0 off)
(In AQ2: id)
1 Toggles identification of players on or off (default is on). Only works on teammates, or when you're an observer, but this can be used to turn it off if you don't want it. Defaults to on (1). Set to 0 to disable.
cg_RQ3_avidemo 0 Same as Q3's avidemo, except uses JPEGs instead of TGAs.
0 - disabled (default)
1 - enabled
cg_RQ3_SuicideLikeARealMan 0 Controls after-round suicides. If enabled, you get -1 frag when you kill yourself during after-round FF in TP mode
0 - disabled (default)
1 - enabled
cg_RQ3_zcam_stfu 0 Suppresses the Zcam mode text display when you switch from swing to follow to float.
0 - disabled (default)
1 - enabled
cg_RQ3_radiovoice 0 Controls radio sets to use
0 - Original AQ2
1 - RQ3
2 - Pikey
3 - Pirate
cg_tracerchance 0.4 Chance that a tracer will appear (0.4 is max)
cg_RQ3_autoaction 0 This cvar is most useful in matchmode but can be used in any gameplay mode.

0 = no demo or screenshot (default)
1 = demo every map
2 = screen shot at the end of the map
3 = demo + screenshot
cg_RQ3_bloodStyle 1 Modifies the behaviour of specialized blood-spurts (e.g. headshots)
0 - disabled
1 - trail of blood that splatters on the ground (default)
2 - line of blood that fades in the air (like AQ2)
cg_RQ3_glassTime 0 Time glass fragments last on-screen in milliseconds.
(In Q2: gl_flashblend)
1 Toggles the display of weapon muzzle flashes.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
(In Q2: gl_polyblend)
1 Toggles the display of "red flashes" when getting hit.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
cg_RQ3_impactEffects 1 Toggles the display of impact effects from weapons.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
cg_RQ3_tkokAutoPopup 0 Toggles the display of the "forgive a teamkiller" pop-up menu in the in-game UI.
0 - disabled (default)
1 - enabled
cg_RQ3_ssgZoomSensLock 1 Toggles the use of Zoom Sensitivity Lock during fire sequence of ssg to improve aiming. Set to 0 for original RQ3 behavior, set to 1 for AQ2-like behavior.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivityAuto 1 Toggles the use of automatic (default) Q3-zoom style sensitivity adjustment or manual adjustment via the sensitivity cvars (see below).
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity2x [0 - 1]
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity4x [0 - 1]
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity6x [0 - 1]
Normalized percentages of your sensitivity for each respective zoom of the SSG3000. These are dependent on your master sensitivity but otherwise freely adjustable.

If your sensitivity is normally 8 and you want it to be:
2x = 4
4x = 2
6x = 1 would use the following:
2x = 0.5 (50% of 8 is 4)
4x = 0.25 (25% of 8 is 2)
6x = 0.125 (12.5% of 8 is 1)
cg_RQ3_crosshairColorR [0-1]
cg_RQ3_crosshairColorG [0-1]
cg_RQ3_crosshairColorB [0-1]
cg_RQ3_crosshairColorA [0-1]
Sets the regular crosshair colors anywhere the keywords "rgbGen Vertex" are used in the shader file. They are normalized values of red, green, blue and alpha (transparency) components.
cg_RQ3_ssgColorR [0.0 - 1.0]
cg_RQ3_ssgColorG [0.0 - 1.0]
cg_RQ3_ssgColorB [0.0 - 1.0]
cg_RQ3_ssgColorA [0.0 - 1.0]
Sets the SSG3000 zoomed crosshair colors anywhere the keywords "rgbGen Vertex" are used in the shader file. They are normalized values of red, green, blue and alpha (transparency) components.
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair 0 This is a clientside cvar that allows you to use different SSG crosshairs. See section below for more details.

6.12.0 - /cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair

This is a clientside cvar that allows you to use different SSG crosshairs. The default is "0" and the sniper crosshairs included in 2.0 are:

/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "0"
SSG crosshair 0
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "1"
SSG crosshair 1
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "2"
SSG crosshair 2
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "3"
SSG crosshair 3
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "4"
SSG crosshair 4
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "5"
SSG crosshair 5
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "6"
SSG crosshair 6
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "7"
SSG crosshair 7
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "8"
SSG crosshair 8
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "9"
SSG crosshair 9
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "10"
SSG crosshair 10
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "11"
SSG crosshair 11
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "12"
SSG crosshair 12
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "13"
SSG crosshair 13
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "14"
SSG crosshair 14
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "15"
SSG crosshair 15
/cg_rq3_ssgCrosshair "16"
SSG crosshair 16

6.13.0 - Sample config

// Configuration file
// Made by Arachon
// Version 1.0
// For Reaction Quake 3 3.1

// Movement
bind a "+moveleft"
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind s "+back"
bind w "+forward"
bind space "+moveup"

// Communication
bind y "echo Message all;messagemode"
bind u "echo Message team only;messagemode2"

//weapons selection
bind F1 "use Combat Knife"
bind F2 "use MK23 Pistol"
bind F3 "use Dual MK23 Pistols"
bind F4 "use special"
bind g "use M26 Fragmentation Grenade"

//misc binds
set sensitivity 8
bind r "weapon"
bind q "drop item"
bind z "drop weapon"
bind k "say oO;say \/"
bind h "say hehe"
bind x "scores"

// Bandaging
set talk1 "say_team Hey! come on....I'm in pain here ($H Health);wait;set talka vstr talk2"
set talk2 "say_team Aaahhhh....It's in the bone !($H Health);wait;set talka vstr talk3"
set talk3 "say_team Death smiles at us all and we can do is smile back ($H Health);wait;set talka vstr talk4"
set talk4 "say_team I ain't got time to bleed ($H Health);wait;set talka vstr talk5"
set talk5 "say_team Guns don't kill, idiots with guns kill ($H Health);wait;set talka vstr talk1"
set talka "vstr talk1"
bind f "vstr talka;bandage;radio im_hit"

// Enemy down
set talkb1 "say_team Take care now! Bye bye then $K;wait;set talkb vstr talkb2"
set talkb2 "say_team Hey $K lets play catch the H-bomb....weeeeee;wait;set talkb vstr talkb3"
set talkb3 "say_team $K there's a kamekazi watermelon comming you're way :D;wait;set talkb vstr talkb4"
set talkb4 "say_team Hey $K lets play catch the H-bomb....weeeeee;wait;set talkb vstr talkb5"
set talkb5 "say_team Well $K my next job will be to walk on water =];wait;set talkb vstr talkb5"
set talkb5 "say_team Call the Zoo $K is down !;wait;set talkb vstr talkb1"
set talkb "vstr talkb1"
bind 7 "vstr talkb;radio enemyd"

// radio stuff
bind 1 "say Go away, piss off!"
bind 2 "say_team Cancel that"
bind 3 "say_team Ehh ok!;radio 10;radio 4"
bind 4 "say_team Teammate down;radio teamdown"
bind 5 "say_team LETS GO $T!;radio go"
bind 6 "say_team Enemy Spotted!;radio enemys"
bind 8 "say_team I'm pinned down here $T - need cover !;radio cover"
bind 9 "say_team Any one out there ?;radio treport"
bind 0 "say_team Alright guys, get ready for pain! ($H Health);radio reportin"
bind UPARROW    "radio forward;say_team Forward"
bind DOWNARROW  "radio back;say_team Back"
bind LEFTARROW  "radio left;say_team Left"
bind RIGHTARROW "radio right;say_team Right"
bind PGUP	"radio up;say_team Up"
bind PGDN	"radio down;say_team Down"

//Sniper Zoom
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity2x 0.5
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity4x 0.25
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity6x 0.125
bind t "unzoom"

6.14.0 - Sample "enemy down" binds

// Configuration file
// Made by Arachon
// Version 1.0
// For Reaction Quake 3 3.1

// Enemy down
set talkb1 "say_team Take care now! Bye bye then $K;wait;set talkb vstr talkb2"
set talkb2 "say_team Hey $K lets play catch the H-bomb....weeeeee;wait;set talkb vstr talkb3"
set talkb3 "say_team $K there's a kamekazi watermelon comming you're way :D;wait;set talkb vstr talkb4"
set talkb4 "say_team Hey $K lets play catch the H-bomb....weeeeee;wait;set talkb vstr talkb5"
set talkb5 "say_team Well $K my next job will be to walk on water =];wait;set talkb vstr talkb5"
set talkb5 "say_team Call the Zoo $K is down !;wait;set talkb vstr talkb1"
set talkb "vstr talkb1"
bind 7 "vstr talkb;radio enemyd"

6.15.0 - Sample "sniper script"

Well, thanks to "/unzoom" the scripts can be much much shorter. Next version of RQ3 we will implement the ability to go to any zoom level. So you will be able to do 4x to 2x or 6x to 2x easily.

//Sniper Zoom
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity2x 0.5
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity4x 0.25
cg_RQ3_ssgSensitivity6x 0.125
bind t "unzoom"

Return to Reaction Manual

Last updated: October 18, 2006